Development Tools
CipherLab Power Suite development tools accelerate design and debug of templates, application interfaces, and application code-for either batch or wireless. These development tools let you quickly build, compile, and emulate code before you download to a mobile computer. With CipherLab Power Suite tools, you'll speed rollout of new applications, ensuring worker and application productivity while reducing total costs of development.

Products within Series
  • Forge Batch Application Generator
  • Forge Wireless Application Generator
  • Stream Wireless Studio
  • MCL-Collection
  • Kalipso Mobile Application Generator

Device Management
Device and data management products SOTI-MobiControl and Wavelink® Avalanche™ make it easy to deploy and remotely support CipherLab hardware. Depending on your needs, choose from basic, low-cost solutions to full-featured enterprise systems. Robust security configuration and remote capabilities keep sensitive data in the right hands and connected users in-synch. Centrally manage changes to remote CipherLab mobile computers, including device settings, firmware updates and software applications to improve efficiency and significantly cut costs.

Products within Series
  • SOTI-MobiControl
  • Wavelink Avalanche
  • Application Manager

Browser and Emulation
Power Suite Mirror Terminal Emulator software allows you to build both web-based and Windows®-free interfaces to put application-specific remote computing in the hands of your workers. Mirror Emulators turn CipherLab devices into powerful VT100/220 or TN5250 terminals, giving employees real-time access to text-based applications on your servers via LAN or wireless connection. Wavelink's Emulator enables users to leverage both graphical and terminal interfaces in a single mobile Windows CE device.

Products within Series
  • Mirror Browser
  • Mirror VT Emulator
  • Mirror TN5250 Emulator
  • Naurtech CETerm
  • Wavelink Emulator

Fast and full of features, CipherLab Power Suite Blaze C and BASIC Compilers enable quick development and deployment of custom business applications. Whether your programming environment is C or BASIC, Blaze Compilers allow you to integrate barcode reading functionality and functions for memory, flat files, databases, and wireless communications. Blaze Compilers help you create exactly the tools you need to quickly get your code to work in the field.

Products within Series
  • Blaze C Compiler
  • Blaze BASIC Compiler

Scanner Software
Increase your working efficiency with CipherLab software to configure your scanners, or integrate applications with Bluetooth® devices.

Products within Series
  • Configuration: ScanMaster / ScanManager
  • Bluetooth® Integration: CipherConnect

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Web updated July 2015

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